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This week, I started off by working on some of my scripts for the actors next week. I wanted to make sure a couple of them were developed enough so that I wouldn’t be wasting too much time when the actors were here. Due to the weather, we had to film on Thursday. On Wednesday, I worked on my scene critique, which took up the whole class. On Thursday, we went out and filmed at SVAC. I had a really easy job because obviously Ian knows what he’s doing, all I really had to do was put on a mask and be cold for an hour. I know that this was intended to be a really quick film, and I think it turned out well for the time allotted. There’s one part where I fall into a hole while I’m walking and nearly tripped and fell on my face, so that’s another thing I did this week. It was only Ian and I, so there wasn’t a lot of opportunity for getting any behind the scenes shots. Next thing I work on, I’ll make sure to get some of those. I saw a golden retriever while I was up by one of the sculptures and I was way too far away to walk back in time and ask if I could pet it, so that was another one of the problems I had.

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