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Galentine's Day

Student Council

This week, I worked on two separate news pieces. The first piece was about student council and the second was about Galentine’s day. I was working on prepping pretty much all of the stuff for the nurses scene last week, so I wasn’t very involved in one of the stories. I was really focused on being stabbed last week. (My car also broke down when I turned it on the morning I was supposed to go help film for student council so that was a bit of a problem. They honestly didn’t need me though at all.) The Galentine’s Day story I was more involved in. At the beginning of the week, we just planned out what our stories would be. For Galentine’s Day, I helped set up the room for the shots of Lily. We had to film that twice so I got to practice setting up twice. It was good though, we had some problem solving stuff too, that we had to work on. (The camera doing weird things, how to light the green room, what to do when someone steals a giant black curtain out of the cinema for some reason.) I also had to ask Rachel to be my Galentine but I couldn’t afford to buy her any chocolate because I am a cheap date. I had to come up with something else to ask her with and I thought my heart shaped “be my Galentine” letter was pretty romantic though. But I had to walk all the way to the art room to get pink paper to ask her. That’s how much I wanted Rachel to be my Galentine. It was a little awkward when I told her it was for a news story though. That caused a little bit of a discussion.

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