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I talked to Ian about filming a sketch comedy that we needed a couple pamphlets for, which I knew I needed to make before filming. (see storyboard below) I needed assistance so I called in a favor from a professional. (see professional left) Rachel and I went online to find stock photos to use for our pamphlets and actually learn how to use pages. Rachel actually used her very professional photoshop skills to make one of the covers for me. Colby asked about the Sports Film I asked him to act in, and I tried to explain it to him. (I don't think he fully understands it, but I can tell he's working on pretending to understand things.) I made a mental note that I had to finish the storyboard for my Sports Film at some point and tell Oscar to find extras for me.




I continued to make pamphlets. I asked Rachel if she was busy even though I already knew the answer. (see answer right) We finished the pamphlets on Tuesday, so I kept working on the script and storyboard for Sports Film. I started to make a list of the stuff I needed to film this one. Things like props (Gatorade bottle, paper bag), actors (Colby, a coach, a couple extras in athletic attire),  location (I needed to see if I could use the gym during this block), and then a couple other random things (there's one shot in the very beginning that I think we'll need to bring the wheelchair into the gym for because I have a really specific way that I want it to look). You know, random important stuff that people forget to think about in preproduction. I asked Oscar to get me extras. I knew I needed to go down to the gym at some point this week.


I asked Muench if there was someplace in the school with a color printer that I could print from. He sent me to Mr. Vincent's room. I went into his room and Mr. Vincent asked me what I was printing and I just said, "Oh. Just like this three-page long thing for cinema," because I didn't really want to explain why I was printing something that said, "ABSISTENCE IS EASY WHEN YOU'RE UGLY." The only problem was that the pamphlets each took like five minutes to print, and he was standing kind of close to the printer. I was afraid that he was going to see the pamphlet and ask me what they were. I texted a professional that I was afraid that he was going to see the pamphlets and ask me what they were (See me being afraid left). Rachel didn't respond because she was busy starting her online Korean course through BYU. He didn't see them, though, I don't think.


I wanted to take the pamphlets up to show Rachel in the library, but I knew she was busy starting her online Korean course through BYU. So I went up to the library and disrupted her anyways. If I didn't have to print these pamphlets out in the color printer next to Mr. Vincent, I would have printed out at least twenty copies of each of them and put them in that section of the library with all of those anti-bullying pamphlets. As you can see in the picture of the pamphlets (see picture of pamphlets right), there's a piece of my hair in the picture (see bottom of picture of pamphlets right) Which is gross. I just noticed it and now it's bothering me. I can't help that my hair falls out like a thirty-year-old man. Could I just retake the picture? Yes. Am I going to? No. Will I let it continue to bother me even though there is a very clear and simple answer to my problem that I am avoiding? Absolutely. After I finished talking to Rachel, I walked down to the gym. No one was using the gym, but I did majorly disrupt a yoga



class walking to the gym. This was good news, (not that I disrupted a yoga class. That the gym was available.) but I still wanted to make sure that I found someone to email about using the gym whenever I get Oscar to find me extras. Since I was already down in that area, I went to see if I could talk to Jim about a prop knife for the nurse thing. 


 break in. I think the best-ranking one was the bathrooms in the basement of the Rowland Center if you're curious. Later that day, Ian asked me to grab some stuff for the filming we needed to do later that night. (See Ian asking me to grab some stuff do the filming we needed to do later that night right) (See me responding to Ian with false confidence that I thought found everything he asked for right) I learned what a shoulder mount looks like and it does not look like a scorpion. (See Ian incorrectly describing a shoulder mount as looking like a scorpion right) I filmed with Ian later that night where I was very helpful in standing out of the way and holding people's jackets for them. 

He seemed busy, so I texted one of my friends that I knew had a class with him that block to see if she could ask him about it. (See text messages to friend I texted that I knew had a class with him that block left) At this point during my day, I was kind of exhausted. And at this point in my writing, I'm kind of hoping you've stopped reading. Because after I texted my friend Madison Chase, (See where to see texts from my friend Madison Chase above), I decided it would be appropriate to walk around to all of the bathrooms in the school and rank which bathroom in the school is the best one to take an"I don't feel like being in my classroom anymore"


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I had to talk to Mr. Knutson about an issue with my independent anatomy study with BYU that Mr. Knutson was certain we could work out. (See Mr. Knuston being overconfident in our teamwork problem-solving abilities left) The issue was mostly resolved. Mr. Knutson said, "I think someone's taking an online Korean course through BYU, I can 

try and find their name so you can contact them if you have any more issues and can't reach me." I knew who was taking an online Korean course through BYU. Did I tell Mr. Knutson that? Nope. I let him spend a good ten minutes looking for the name of the mysterious person who was taking an online Korean course through BYU. "Rachel Kimball," Mr. Knutson eventually said after smiling at his computer for ten minutes (What was I thinking during these ten minutes he was staring at his computer trying to figure out how to work "that darn thing"? I'd say 75% of the time I was staring at him wondering why he smiled so much, 15% of the time I was having a small existential crisis and wondered what I was doing sitting in a strange mans office while he looked for the name of one of my best friends that I could have EASILY just told the poor guy, and then 10% of all of my thought processes are just the piano intro to come sail away.)  "Yes Rachel Kimball. I don't know if you know her." "Hm," I said, "I'll have to track her down at some point." I think on Thursday I talked to Lily about what I needed to do for her PSA and made sure to note that I would be busy in class on Tuesday. I also learned that I agreed to fall into a very cold lake for a music video. This was news to me. I also remembered I was supposed to be looking for a knife. I went onto Amazon. This is where I realized that many Amazon reviews for plastic knives could very easily pass as a review of me. (See characteristics that plastic knives and I share below) 

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I found a sword that could work as a knife for the nurse film, but I didn't like the color of the top half. I colored it in with a black sharpie. I inhaled a lot of sharpie fumes today. 

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