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News Pitch 

This is the worst new's pitch I have probably ever pitched in my life, but I really can come up with nothing interesting that is happening in Manchester right now so I'm resorting back to an idea that I had a while ago that is not good and I am aware is not going to make it any further than me uncomfortably pitching it in front of B-block cinema on Monday. Anyways, literally every day I am at this school I walk past a random adult that I have never seen before. That is an experience that I have never had at any of the other school's I've gone to. People have to wear visitor stickers and be buzzed in to ever step foot inside most of the school's in America. I always secretly hope that one of the unrecognizable adults I pass by daily actually has no reason to be at the school and just walks in and steals a couple useless Apple TV's once a week just because they noticed that literally no one will question anything they do. Do you know how many time's I've walked passed adults carrying big cardboard boxes and did not say a word about it? Someone could walk by me with a lock picking kit or a blow torch or a shirt that said "I'm going to rob this school now" and I would not think twice about it.


The pitch: I try to find this adult. I know Muench hates these types of news stories but just imagine me going up to a bunch of random adults I don't know and saying "Why are you here?" Would they answer me? Would I get yelled at for harassing random probably important adults? Are they all part of a secret club I don't know about? Is someone robin-hooding this place and stealing stuff from BBA to donate to public schools? Can I get their autograph? Will I get suspended for pitching this idea? 


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